Pop-Up Art Shows Posted on 13 Jul 15:13 , 0 comments
The market place is constantly changing and evolving. That's not a new thought! But, what is new Pop-Up Art Shows! In recent months, there have been some galleries in the Houston area that have given up the over-head of having a permanent gallery space and opting for Pop-Up Art Shows. So, I thought I would give it a try. I was contacted by Conception Arts, out of New York, after they saw a painting that I had posted Instagram. The show is August 12th at Spindletap Brewery here is Houston. There will be over 50 artists! Beer and food. The show will last 5 hours. That's it! Conception Arts is a dot com company and puts on these shows all over the country from New York to Seattle. The way it works for the artist is the artist sells 15 tickets at $20 per ticket or the artist pays $300 to participate. I am working on selling the tickets to see if it will work to sell tickets to an art event. From my point of view, the Pop-Up Art Show is more of an opportunity for marketing myself and my art. A chance to meet new people which we all need to do in order to be successful! And doesn't is make sense to create an event that offers art, craft beer and food? Click the link for more info and to buy tickets! https://conceptionarts.com/show/34810431939/Houston Very interesting opportunity.